Selling Your Home? Frugal Upgrades Buyers Will Love

Enjoying the fastest possible home sale at the best possible price is the likely goal for most home sellers today, so making a few upgrades is often part of their plan when making pre-listing preparations. But for homeowners on a budget, expensive renovation projects may be impossible due to the time or potential costs involved. If you are planning to list your home for sale this year and would like to add some extra buyer appeal without wiping out your budget, these frugal upgrade ideas may be just what you need. 

Spend a weekend adding DIY outdoor living space

An outdoor living space continues to be one of the most sought-after things on home buyer wish lists. But most sellers are not able to sink thousands of dollars into the construction of a gourmet-qualify outdoor kitchen or living room, complete with built-in appliances and custom furnishings. Luckily, home buyers can still be impressed with simple, inexpensive outdoor living areas that most sellers can put together in a weekend at a very reasonable cost.

Adding an outdoor living space on frugal budget begins with creating a floor for the space. Existing patios or decks can be used as the base for an outdoor living space or sellers can choose to create a new floor by using inexpensive concrete patio pavers or pre-fabricated stepping stones to create a 10" x 10" or larger surface. If the space is located a bit away from the home, use a few more stepping stones to create a path from the back of the home to the living area. 

Once the floor is in place, add several potted, flowering plants, an inexpensive patio table and chairs, and a portable fire pit or grill to create an attractive outdoor space where prospective home buyers can easily picture themselves entertaining friends or sharing a relaxing meal with their family. 

Consider adding inexpensive storage to help make a small home more appealing

Another inexpensive upgrade that can add real buyer appeal is to add a small but attractive storage shed to a corner of the back yard. This is especially helpful when selling a home that is small or one where the closets are tiny and indoor storage options are limited. To make this idea even more frugal, homeowners can look for a inexpensive used storage shed and paint it to match their home, once it is installed. 

For more cost-conscious ways to add buyer appeal to your home, homeowners should ask their listing agent to tour their property and offer suggestions well before putting the home on the market. A little time and effort can be a big help in making your home stand out from the crowd. 

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Understanding Real Estate Deals After thinking long and hard about what kind of home to buy, I began talking with a real estate agent about getting a deal that I could live with for the rest of my life. I really wanted to find a home and a deal that offered pleasant terms for me and my business, so I began focusing seriously on getting things done. It was amazing to me to see just how different various real estate deals were, and before I knew it, I was making some changes that would work for my lifestyle. Within a few months, things were a lot better. This website is all about understanding and applying real estate deals.

